Watch in thia amazing movie 4 girls vomiting, giving a bath on diana who is enjoying it. The girls dont stop vomiting, covering her face and body, diana has a bowl under her chair and to the end, they will use the all vomit into that bowl to cover her agan.
OOOOh I LOVE the bucket of vomit being dumped on the slave at the end! Will you please do a video where that happens to a slave like Saori or Mary Luthay and they do not like the bucket being dumped on them / do not like being covered in vomit :)
Dec 30, 20186866
May 17, 2018OOOOh I LOVE the bucket of vomit being dumped on the slave at the end! Will you please do a video where that happens to a slave like Saori or Mary Luthay and they do not like the bucket being dumped on them / do not like being covered in vomit :)
May 06, 2018correct the video is not working...
May 03, 2018This video is not working :( it seems perfect